Eco-tip: Why not dynamite? Matilija Dam project illustrates value of watershed

Eco-tip: Why not dynamite? Matilija Dam project illustrates value of watershed David Goldstein Special to Ventura County Star No matter where you live in Ventura County, recent progress on removal of the Matilija Dam may be inspiring to you because it reveals the relationships inside our local watersheds. A watershed is the area draining rain…


Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement And Acquisition Projects

February 17, 2023 California Department of Fish and Wildlife At its February 16, 2023, quarterly meeting, the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved approximately $51.83 million in grants to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat throughout California. Some of the 25 approved projects will benefit fish and wildlife — including some endangered species —…

Piru Outlet

Ventura County gets drenching in first major storm of season

December 12, 2022 Ventura County Star Rainfall reaches 8 inches in mountains, runs near an inch on coast. The Ventura County mountains recorded up to 8 inches of rainfall during the three-day storm ending Monday morning, according to data from the Ventura County Watershed Protection District. Most communities in the county received between two-thirds of…

Volunteers of all ages pitch in to help keep our local beaches clean.

Eco-tip: Coastal Cleanup Day will tidy Ventura County beaches and waterways

By David Goldstein On Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon, Ventura County Coastal Cleanup Day will bring trash-gathering volunteers to more than 20 sites as part of the 38th annual International Coastal Cleanup Day on Sept. 17. The local effort targets beaches as well as inland sites from Fillmore to Simi Valley. Last year in…

Draining of Matilija


Notice REQUEST FOR QUALIFICIATIONS MATILIJA DAM ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION PROJECT ROBLES DIVERSION AND FISH PASSAGE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS & MEINERS OAKS FLOOD PROTECTION IMPROVEMENTS: PHASE 2 DESIGN PLANNING PROJECT September 2, 2022 Online Summary Notice of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Design Planning Assistance Ventura County Public Works Agency – Watershed Protection (VCPWA-WP), working in partnership with…

Matt Ehret

From Student Worker to Executive Leadership at VCPWA

Matt Ehret Promoted to Watershed Protection’s Deputy Director for Design and Construction Matt Ehret, a 20-year employee with the Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA), has been promoted to Deputy Director for Design and Construction within Watershed Protection (WP). His new role involves planning and managing environmentally responsible flood protection and stormwater management assets throughout…