Construction Documents
- Contractor Request Forms
- Change Order Request Form
- Temporary Construction Water Hydrant Meter Form
- 2024 VCWSD Approved Material List
- 2023 VCWSD Approved Standard Drawings
Responsibilities include managing a program series of Capital Improvement Projects, Operations and Maintenance Projects, developing engineering studies and reports, and performing Asset Management for existing facilities. An example of some of the projects we manage is listed down below.
We also manage and provide permit issuance for Development Projects both small and large. Projects range from a new water and sewer service for a single family residence to water and sewer improvements for tracts, mixed-use, commercial, and industrial projects. Examples of our typical Development services include providing Will Serve letters, responding to utility research requests, and performing Fire Flow Verification tests (Fire Prevention Form 625) upon request.
For more information, contact us at or call (805) 378-3000 Ext 4.
Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (District 16)
Currently, in the construction phase, the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant will be upgraded to include tertiary treatment facilities for the effluent and the addition of a solids dewatering belt filter press system. The project is being funded by a grant from Proposition 84, funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and available District funds.
Princeton Road Widening Project (District 1)
This project includes the relocation of a water line required for a City of Moorpark road widening project.
Well 98 Rehabilitation (District 1)
Rehabilitate the well and install a new pump to return the well to service. Rehabilitation work includes cleaning the well to remove mineral deposits and biofouling, causing screens to plug, and repairing any damaged casing sections. A new pump bowl assembly and column-tube shaft will be installed. Work is scheduled to occur during the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2023.
538 Tank Replacement (District 19)
Increase the storage capacity of the 538 Zone by installing an additional reservoir or replacing the existing reservoir with a larger unit. Add an additional 300,000-gallon tank to the existing 538 tank site. Replacement of the existing transmission line crossing under the river. The water line crossing the river is very old and could be washed out of service during a major storm event. This project is a part of the Somis Farmworker Housing development.
MWRF Warehouse Storage Building (District 1)
This project is to build a storage building at Moorpark Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF) in Moorpark. The new steel storage building will be across from the existing office and laboratory building. The proposed pad is roughly 16,000 square feet. The site is a vacant, relatively flat parcel with an approximately 9-foot-high earthen berm bordering the area on the north, south, and east sides. The storage building will be approximately 7000 square feet with a 35-foot driveway and 15-foot driveway setbacks around. This project is currently in the design phase.
SR118 Left Turn Lane (District 1)
Construction of a left turn lane to the Moorpark Wastewater Rehabilitation Facility to alleviate safety issues at the MWRF entrance on Los Angeles Avenue.
Stockton Reservoir #2 (District 1)
Currently, in the design phase, the Stockton Reservoir will replace the existing 0.5-million-gallon storage reservoir. The existing reservoir is located in the 994-pressure zone in the northwest portion of the District and is at the end of its useful service life. The new Stockton Reservoir will be a 1.0-million-gallon steel tank located on Stockton Road near the existing tank.
Water Supply Reliability Program – Recycled Water System Expansion (District 1)
This program includes a variety of projects intended to increase the capacity of the recycled water system in Waterworks District No. 1.
Well 97 Replacement (District 1)
Re-drill replacement well for aging Well No. 97 (phase I) and redevelop aging facility (phase II). A new well will be drilled in the same parcel location, allowing the District to continue to meet its groundwater allocation. The design includes the replacement and re-development of the aging facility equipment. The re-drill phase is expected to be publicly bid in mid-December 2022, with construction commencing around February 2023.
MWRF Microgrid and BESS (Battery) Installation (District 1)
Design of a 750-kW battery energy storage system and smart microgrid to improve MWRF resiliency during Edison power shutoff events and allow electric load shaving during high peak electric usage periods. The system will integrate with MWRF’s existing solar field to allow the charging of batteries and islanding MWRF from Edison, a self-powering facility, during various periods of the day. The project is funded through the CPUC’s SGIP program for a total reimbursement of $1,992,050. The improvements are expected to save $355,400 over the 15-year life of the battery by reducing peak energy period power charges.
Bell Canyon Reservoir #3 (District 17)
Design of a new 1.5 MG reservoir within the 1677 Zone with a new site access road. The project includes the replacement of approximately 5,000 LF of 10” steel pipe and the replacement of 700 LF of 12″ AC pipeline.
571 Pump Station (District 19)
This project includes the replacement of the existing pump station and the demolition of the existing tank. An additional 300,000-gallon tank will be added to the existing 538 tank site. This project is part of the Somis Farmworker Housing Development.
Moorpark Desalter (District 1)
A Wellhead Treatment Facility within the South Las Posas Basin to improve water quality, treat approximately 5,000 acre-feet of effluent from the treatment plant and reduce the dependence on imported water. Construct a Well Field within the South Las Posas Basin. Construction of a pipeline to connect to the agricultural Distribution System to provide recycled water to agricultural customers.
Stormwater Diversion and Groundwater Recharge (District 1)
Arroyo Las Posas Stormwater Diversion Feasibility Study and Percolation Test has been completed, and a final report has been posted on the webpage.
Coating and Repair — College 1 & 2 and Gabbert Reservoirs (District 1)
The project consists of interior relining, welding repair, and spot repair of 1.0 million gallons, 1.5 million gallons, and 2-million-gallon welded steel potable water tanks at the College 1 and 2 and Gabbert Reservoirs.
District 1 Water Master Plan (District 1)
The master plan project includes updates to the current UWMP and District 1 Water Master Plan, including updating the hydraulic water system model by combining the model files into one single file, which will be integrated into the District’s asset management software, Sedaru. The update of the District 1 Water Master Plan will be from the 2008 Water Master Plan, and the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) will be used as the basis for the new 2020 UWMP.
Piru Battery/Microgrid Project (District 16)
Design of a 140kW battery energy storage system and smart microgrid to improve the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant’s resiliency during Edison power shutoff events and allow the plant to island from Edison for up to 18 hours when batteries are fully charged. The project is funded through the CPUC’s SGIP program for a total reimbursement is $910,380. The improvements are expected to save $156,624 over the 20-year life of the battery by reducing peak energy period power charges.
Well No. 2 – Iron and Manganese (District 19)
This project includes the construction of a wellhead treatment system including: iron and manganese treatment vessels, chemical addition systems, a reclaimed water tank, and the associated piping and electrical appurtenances.
This webpage will be updated as construction progresses. If you have any questions or concerns please contact June Kim at (805) 378-3025.