Encroachment Permits are required for any work proposed within the County’s road right-of-way and includes such work as utility installations and repairs, roadway and drainage improvements by developers, driveway construction, sidewalk repair, filming of motion pictures and still photography, placement of obstructions in the right-of-way such as fences, trees, poles, and overhead structures. Roadside vendors are not permitted in the road right-of-way. The Permits Section ensures that all construction work in the public right-of-way complies with County’s adopted codes and engineering standards. In addition, the Section issues Transportation Permits for oversize vehicles travelling on County roads and collects Traffic Impact Mitigation fees. In 2020, a new Adopt-a-Road Program road roadside litter cleanup was implemented.
For more information, click on the links below or contact us through email at pwa.transpermits@ventura.org or by phone (805) 654-2055.
To apply for a permit visit Apply for Permits. To adopt-a-road, see Guidelines under next link. For permit standards visit Ordinances, Policies, and Guidelines.