Encroachment Ordinance No. 4540 Encroachment permits are required for any proposed work within the County’s road right-of-ways.

Installation of Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Paveout Ordinance No. 1607 The County requires a developer/applicant/permittee to construct curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, and street paving in accordance with County Road Standards in urban unincorporated areas of the County.

Sidewalk Ordinance No. 4355 Pursuant to Section 5610 of the Streets and Highways Code, the County requires landowners adjacent to public sidewalks to maintain them. See County of Ventura Public Works Agency Sidewalk Repair Standards for more information.

Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee (TIMF) Ordinance No. 4246 The County requires a developer/applicant/permittee to pay a TIMF to address the cumulative adverse impacts of additional traffic on the regional road network.

For these and other Municpal Codes visit Municode.




California State and Highway Code (Section 720-734)  The following State policies are related to encroachments.

Coastal Area Plan The Ventura County Coastal Area Plan identifies goals, policies and programs for the unincorporated coastal areas in Ventura County.

Driveway Access Policy-Service Station This policy contains provisions in adopting driveway access for service stations on primary and secondary highways.

El Rio/Del Norte Area PlanThe Ventura County El Rio/Del Norte Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for El Rio/Del Norte unincorporated areas in Ventura County.

Federal Polices & Programs The following Federal policies addressed are Title VI Program, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE), and American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Industrial and Commercial Access Policy   This policy provides information about reasonable access in and out of commercial and industrial developments.

Lake Sherwood/Hidden Valley Area Plan The Ventura County Lake Sherwood/Hidden Valley Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for Lake Sherwood/Hidden Valley, an unincorporated area in Ventura County.

North Venutra Avenue Area Plan The Ventura County North Ventura Area Plan identifies goals, policies and programs for North Ventura Avenue, an unincorporated area in Ventura County

Oak Park Area Plan The Ventura County Oak Park Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for Oak Park, an unincorporated area in Ventura County.

Ojai Valley Area Plan The Ventura County Ojai Valley Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for the unincorporated areas within the Ojai Valley.

Paveout Policy This policy is used for construction of County road improvements by land developers.

Piru Area Plan The Ventura County Piru Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for Piru, an unincorporated area in Ventura County.

Reciprocal Traffic Agreement Between County and Cities The County of Ventura has reciprocal traffic agreements with cities.  The County will collect a Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee from a developer/applicant/permittee on behalf of the local city, if the reciprocal agreement authorizes the collection of the fee.

Residential Access Policy This policy provides information about reasonable access in and out of residential developments.

Saticoy Area Plan The Ventura County Saticoy Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for Saticoy, an unincorporated area in Ventura County.

Thousand Oaks Area Plan The Ventura County Thousand Oaks Area Plan’s Transportation/Circulation Section 4.1 identifies goals, policies and programs for unincorporated areas within the Thousand Oaks area.

Ventura County General Plan (Section 4.2) The Ventura County General Plan Transportation/Circulation Section 4.2 identifies goals, policies and programs related to roads and highways, transit, rail service, airports and pipelines.



For more information contact the Roads and Transportation at (805) 654-2049.