Public Works

Eco-tip: Master Gardener trainees sought

August 19, 2023 VC Star University of California’s Cooperative Extension in Ventura County has opened a training opportunity and will accept up to 40 new applicants to become master gardeners. Master gardeners develop expertise and use their knowledge to educate the public. Master gardeners also have great social gatherings centered on food more delicious than…

Eco-tip: New reports measure progress on organics recycling

August 12, 2023 VC Star By David Goldstein “How is recycling really going?” Versions of that question come to me by phone and email every week. Scott Meckstroth, a professional engineer and deputy director of Ventura County’s Water and Sanitation Department, explained the reason for his and others’ challenging questions about the intentions and results…

David Goldstein

Eco-tip: Plastic Free July wraps up with loss of recycling opportunity

August 5, 2023 VC Star By David Goldstein In an online banner, the Plastic Free Foundation claims over 100 million people were inspired by the organization’s Plastic Free July events, challenges and pledges last month. Locally, Ventura County’s sustainability division awarded prizes such as reusable metal straws to participants in a waste reduction challenge event.…


Eco-tip: Crying carrot pleads for recycling of organic waste

July 29, 2023 VC Star The latest effort to boost participation in countywide food waste recycling programs features a charismatic crying carrot. “Please don’t throw me in the landfill,” the cute root pleads. “I want to help create compost.” Harrison Industries, a trash collection and recycling company based in Saticoy and serving much of Ventura…


Eco-tip: Popular facial masks lack no-flush symbol meant to prevent clogs

VC Star July 2, 2023 Some items are obviously prone to cause clogs in your home’s pipes or downstream in sewers if you flush them down toilets. Last November, the Responsible Flushing Alliance, a nonprofit funded mostly by manufacturers of wipe-related products, sponsored a survey of 1,417 respondents and found 97% of them knew feminine…

Eco-tip: Preparing for the coming solar wave of panel disposal

June 17, 2023 VC Star What does Earth’s solar system have in common with the recyclability of our solar power systems? They both rank just “one star.” Why are solar panels optimistic? Because they keep their “sunny side up.” All jokes aside, recycling and disposal options for solar panels have been terrible worldwide, but locally,…