As an agency, we completed an impressive number of projects within the past year and have even more in the planning and implementation stages, including Watershed Protection’s SCR-1 project. This project aims at protecting critical levee systems and in turn, the residents, businesses, and public infrastructure that surround them.
It is imperative to each of our departments that the public, stakeholders, and elected stay informed on how much VCPWA contributes to the health and safety of our communities. With an ongoing pandemic making in-person meetings unfeasible, our departments turned to digital surveys, videos, and presentations to keep the public engaged and in the know.
The attached presentation is the report of the project, led by Watershed Protection’s SCR-1 team Gerard Kapuscik, Kirk Norman, and Angela Bonfiglio Allen documenting communications with the public around upcoming and vital work on the Santa Clara River Levee Upstream of Highway 101. Outreach marketing was carried out through digital print ads with the VC STAR, local English and Spanish radio, and geographically targeted social media posts, to provide potentially affected residents and other interested parties with education and public information. The public was directed to a SCR-1 Project weblink containing narrated video presentations and instructions for providing comments and requesting more information in both English and Spanish. Similar campaigns were undertaken for the Ventura River Levee (VR-1) and the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project (MDERP) in 2020. We are continually impressed with our agency’s ability to pivot and persevere during changing times.