Avoid fines up to $3,000 with these responsible disposal options below.
What is Illegal Dumping?
– Any unauthorized large deposit of waste that is illegally dumped on a public road right-of-way, such as paint, motor oil, cooking oil, tires, mattresses, yard waste, construction debris, or furniture, is considered illegal dumping.
If you witness illegal dumping in progress, please report it today!

Why is Illegal Dumping a Serious Problem for the communities of unincorporated areas of Ventura County?
Over the course of a six-month period in 2021, the VCPWA collected 120 tons of trash from the Oxnard Plains, as well as 60 tons that were collected in other parts of the county. Waste is not only an eyesore on the Ventura County Landscape, but it pollutes the local environment and poses a threat to humans and wildlife.
These are some of the ways illegal dumping can harm our communities.
- Decreases neighborhood property values
- Costs Taxpayers millions of dollars in clean-up costs
- Poses safety hazards to people, especially children
- Disrupts natural land and water processes and ruins wildlife habitat
- Pollutes surface and groundwater

Did you know most Illegal dumping can be avoided?
A large percentage of people who dump illegally just do not have the proper information on disposal options! Illegal dumping often occurs because people want to avoid extra collection and disposal fees or the hassle of proper disposal. Hiring a “Trash Hauler” is not always the best answer to removing your excess trash, bulky items, E-waste or hazardous household items. Your items may not make it to the proper disposal sites and even worse, may even end up dumped on the side of the road or blown into fields and roadways if not properly tarped when transported. Here are convenient ways to dispose or recycle instead of illegally dumping: First, Determine the type of waste. There are materials typically generated in our homes and businesses that cannot be placed in either the trash or recycle bin such as:
Mattress and Bulky Item Pick-up
Scheduling a free curbside, bulky-item pick-up is easy and convenient. With a simple call to your waste hauler, you can schedule a bulky-item pick up and it is often included in your service once or twice a year.
Single-family households subscribing to collection services receive up to two (2) bulky items picked up per calendar year at no cost. Multi-family residents (2 or more dwelling units) or mobile home park residents may receive bulky item pickup service at a cost. Please call your service provider for rates.
“Bulky items” means appliances, furniture, electronic waste, and other large, bulky items that are discarded by residential customers (excluding debris and materials from construction and demolition activities)
Consider donating instead of disposing!
We encourage you to recycle your bulky items through charitable organizations and thrift stores.
Local charities and shelters
Mattress removal:
Did you know: Nearly 20 million mattresses pile up in landfills every year.
How do you get rid of a matress?
Depending on the condition of the mattress and where you live, you may be able to donate it, recycle it or even have it picked up.
In California, the Mattress Recycling Council runs a mattress recycling program called ByeByeMattress, and statewide laws allow households to drop off old mattresses and box springs at collection sites free of charge. (Fees are paid at time of sale). Visit: California – or call (855) 700-9973 to locate a mattress recycling spot near you.
Free recycling is provided at local transfer stations and the Simi Valley Landfill listed in this brochure.
Electronic Waste / E-waste
Electronic waste is electronic products that are unwanted, not working, and nearing or at the end of their “useful life”. These products can contain heavy metals like cadmium, lead, copper, and chromium that can contaminate the environment. DO NOT dispose of these items in the trash or your recycling bins.
Examples of electronic waste include, but are not limited to:
- Televisions, computer monitors and Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs)
- Printers and scanners
- Fax and Copy machines
- Video Game Consoles (X-box, PlayStation, Gameboy, etc.)
- Cellular Phones (remove battery)
Where can I dispose or recycle my E- waste?
E-waste can be recycled at numerous facilities throughout Ventura County. Find a list of recycling facilities and other information about e-waste by visiting,
City and County HHW collection programs and local transfer stations are listed in this brochure.
• Trade-in or recycling may be offered at Best Buy stores: www.bestbuy.com.
Household Hazardous Waste
Household hazardous waste is waste that is generated by you, as a resident and household, while performing household activities and maintenance in and around your home. You may not realize that many common household products are, in fact, hazardous and if these products are handled or disposed of incorrectly, they can pose a threat to the health of humans, animals, and the environment.
Common household hazardous wastes include but are not limited to:
- Antifreeze
- Batteries
- Drain Cleaners
- Glue and Adhesives
- Oven cleaners
- Paints
Where can I dispose or recycle my household hazardous waste?
The County of Ventura holds approximately nine monthly events, during the year, for the collection of hazardous waste on an appointment basis at the Pollution Prevention Center. Additionally, they have developed the Clean Up! Brochure which covers recycling a myriad of products and materials countywide. Click here to access the brochure.
Accidental Litter:
Most litter is accidental. Human error can lead to trash falling from vehicles or blowing out of curbside carts during collection. Read this article for more information on tarping loads and tips to reduce accidental littering. https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/2019/09/07/eco-tip-heres-how-you-can-avoid-accidental-litter/2248558001/
Keep Informed
For periodic updates and special announcements regarding key items such as solid waste collection agreements or organics waste programs, please add your name to our stakeholder notification list! Click here.
Helpful Resource ( FAQ) Links for Responsible Disposal Options
Important Contacts
Community Beautification Events (Residential cleanup)
(805) 658-4315
Construction & Demolition Waste Diversion Program
(805) 658-4322
Electronic Waste Recycling Program
(805) 658-4322
Green Materials Exemption Program
(805) 658-4319
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
(805) 658-4318
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Appointments
(805) 658-4323
Waste Hauler Customer Service
(805) 658-4319